Perfect Love: The Remedy For Shame
Does shame have you in a cycle of constant sin, fear, and failure? Remember that God’s faithful and perfect love can weaken the thoughts, feelings, and actions that stem from shame.
Perfect Love: The Remedy For Perfectionism
Your struggle with perfectionism and desire to cover up your weaknesses is killing your ability to experience the power of God's Perfect love. Remember that the remedy for perfectionism is to allow God to turn your weaknesses into strengths with His grace, lovingkindness, and mercy.
Perfect Love: The Remedy For Fear
What if everything you believe about love is wrong? We all have foundational beliefs about love. However, for most of us, those beliefs increase fear and stand in the way of genuinely experiencing God’s “Perfect love.”
Forever Peculiar: A Peculiar People
Embracing rejection as a Peculiar person can be difficult! However, Jesus calls us a “Peculiar People” and He has given us ways to embrace our peculiarity in the face of rejection.